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Research Group

Current Members

    Group leader

    • Prof. Mohammad Reza Hesamzadeh

    Post-Doctoral researcher

    • Dr Elahe Doroudchi, Planning and operation of future integrated energy networks with modified market structures (Joint with Prof. Hannu Laaksonen)
    • Dr Masoumehsadat Seyedyazdi, Joint optimization of electricity-transportation networks under uncertainty (Joint with Prof. Khoban)

    Ph.D. students

    1. Farnaz Sohrabi, Optimization of hydrogen/electric charging stations and the role of carbon trading
    2. Saeed Mohammadi, Multi-stage electricity markets under uncertainty: Theory and Analysis
    3. Mohammad Reza Karimi Gharigh, Nonconvex optimization of short-term electricity markets: Theory and application
    4. Yousef Adeli Sadabad, Improving the effectiveness of the eletricity hedge market

    Part-time researchers

    • Hosna Khajeh, Design of flexibility markets for ramp-rate and inertia products  
    • Dr Pranjal Verma, Merchant-regulatory transmission investment

    MSc thesis students

    • Lennart Kjellman, Modelling the activation of balancing products in a DSO’s grid, KTH and EON
    • Miriam Tolls, The role of Low Voltage distribution systems and digital tools in the electricity markets of the future, ABB and KTH
    • Simone Manetta, Probabilistic electricity auctions, KTH and ETH
    • Merlin Bremond, Economic study of the factors contributing to the imbalance of the Adjustment-Imbalance Account, KTH and RTE
    • Mahmud Rahimi , Capacity market simulation, KTH

    BSc thesis students

    • Didrik Jensen Fredriksson, Daniel Voxlin, Elias Rilegard, Tamila Saremi , Estimation and forecasting of electricity prices in short-term markets, 2024
    • Jakob Bjorns, Erik Lindberg, Rosalie Ponce de Leon, Simon Palmborg, , Capacity market simulation, 2023

    Intern and summer job

    • Amirtaha Amanzadi, Analysis and Forecasting of the System Inertia in the ERCOT System, KTH (Summer 2022)


    1. Hosna Khajeh, Inertial energy estimation and forecasting, October 2023, University of Wassa, Finland
    2. Zhenzi Zong, Optimal trading of a CO2 Comprehensive Utilization Unit (CCUU) in multi-markets, October 2022 – October 2023, Xian Jiaotong University (October 2022 - October 2023)
    3. Reza Fachrizal, EV aggregator participation in the electricity market: the potential of smart charging and V2G, Uppsala University, Sweden (2021)
    4. Hamed Bakhtiari, TSO-DSO-Retailer coordination in EU market, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden (2021-October 2022)
    5. Luigi Viola, Modelling the frequency-constrained unit commitment problem for pricing inertia in inverter-based generation electrical systems, State University of Campinas, Brazil (October 2021 - October 2022)
    6. Svante W. Monie, Power-to-Heat on the automatic capacity reserve market, Uppsala University, Sweden (January 2021 - June 2021)
    7. Farzad Sarfrazi, An Optimal Real-Time Pricing Strategy for Aggregating Distributed Generation and Flexibility Under Uncertainty, PhD Student, DLR and University of Stuttgart, Germany (Nov.-Dec. 2020)


    Post-Doctoral Fellows

    1. Lamia Varawala, Market power analysis in the Nordic electricity market, KTH
    2. Sambuddha Chakrabarti, Optimal Investment Coordination in Transmission and Generation Expansion Planning, KTH
    3. Ekaterina Moiseeva, Dynamic Hedging for Electricity Markets, KTH
    4. Héctor Chavez Orostica, Inertia considerations for high variable generation levels in the NORDEL system, KTH


    1. Lamia Varawala, Optimisation and incentive mechanisms for robust generation dispatch and capacity investment in electricity markets, 2023
    2. Pranjal Verema, Mixed complementarity problems under imperfect information (Joint with Prof. K. S. Swarup and Prof. D. Srinivasan)
    3. Zhao Yuan, Decentralisation of optimal dispatch for Smart-Grid Vision, KTH
    4. Ekaterina Moiseeva, Exercise of Market Power on Ramp-Rate in Wind-Integrated Power Systems, KTH
    5. Yaser Tohidi, Optimal long-term generation-transmission planning in the context of multiple TSOs, KTH
    6. Yelena Vardanyan, Optimal bidding of a hydropower producer in sequential power markets with risk assessment: Stochastic programming approach, KTH
    7. Mohamadreza Baradar, Pricing of voltage control ancillary services and design of its trading arrangements in the presence of large amounts of intermittent generating technologies, KTH


    1. Gao Yiming, Formation and development of a Euoroepan hydrogen market (KTH)
    2. Alban Maury, Estimating uncertainties in the congestion forecast with a scenario-based approach (KTH and Swiss TSO)
    3. Henrique Costabile, Assessing electricity prices and its driving mechansims in Brazil with neural network (KTH)
    4. Jose Maria Soares Rodrigues, Potential cost-minimal hydrogen supply chain for the transportation sector (KTH)
    5. Eloi Fabrega Ferrer, Data metering access and evaluation of 24/7 carbon-free energy procurement in specific U.S territories, KTH, 2022 (Graduated)
    6. Frida Lundquist, Dynamic line rating modeling in the look-ahead AC OPF formulation, KTH, 2021 (Graduated)
    7. Théobald Le Louarn, Optimization of a Virtual Power Plant in the German Electricity Market, KTH and E.On (Graduated)
    8. Juliette Lesturgie, Approaches for long-term regulating prices modeling in the Nordics, KTH and Vattenfall (Graduated)
    9. Fernando Garcia Mariño, Stochastic investment in power system flexibility: A Benders decomposition approach, KTH (Graduated)
    10. Thomas Morin, Statistical study and clustering of the critical branches defining the market coupling in the Central West Europe Zone, KTH and RTE (Graduated)
    11. Pontus Wallin, Estimation of cross border flow in electricity markets using a Markovian Tobit approach, KTH (Graduated)
    12. Alexandre Canon, Impact of the bidding area configuration in the French Electrical Network, KTH and RTE (Graduated)
    13. Arthur Geze, Modelling and simulating the French capacity market, KTH and RTE (Graduated)
    14. Mana Farrokhseresht, Reactive power planning with voltage stability constraint for increasing the cross-border transmission capacity, KTH (Graduated)
    15. Nakisa Farrokhseresht, Impact of large amounts of wind power on primary frequency control: A technical and economic study, KTH (Graduated)
    16. Shan Huang, Large scale application of the conic optimal power flow, KTH (Graduated)
    17. Louis Wautier, Congestion cost forecasting in the liberalised power markets, KTH and RTE (Graduated)
    18. Doan Thuy, Impact of renewable energy sources on day-ahead pricing of the French and German electricity markets, KTH and Indar Energy (Graduated)
    19. Olga Galland, Short-run security-constrained economic dispatch, KTH (Graduated) (The master thesis report of this work is selected by the Lambert Academic Publishing to be included in their academic series)
    20. Maria Noriega, Optimal transmission switching for reducing market power cost, KTH (Graduated)
    21. Mahir Sarfati, Modelling the diversification benefit of transmission investments in the presence of uncorrelated generation sources, KTH, 2012 (Graduated) (The master thesis report of this work is selected by the Lambert Academic Publishing to be included in their academic series)
    22. Matthieu Chaigneau, Analysis of reliability pricing model and study of its eventual implementation in an European framework, KTH and ALSTOM Grid, 2012(Graduated)
    23. Ludovic Autran, Convergence of day-ahead and future prices in the context of European power market coupling: Historical analysis of spot and futures electricity prices in Germany, Austria, France, Netherlands and Belgium, KTH and Indar Energy, 2012 (Graduated)
    24. Omobobola Faleye, Modelling demand uncertainties in generation-transmission planning problem - A case study of the Nigerian power system, KTH, 2012 (Graduated)
    25. Pedro Benedicto Martinez, A study of interaction between spot market and market for balancing services, KTH, 2011 (Graduated) (The master thesis report of this work is selected by the Lambert Academic Publishing to be included in their academic series)
    26. Zamiur Rahman, A probabilistic method for ex-ante study of market power in liberalized electricity markets with emphasis on the transmission constraints, KTH, 2011 (Graduated) (The master thesis report of this work is selected by the Lambert Academic Publishing to be included in their academic series)
    27. Sophie Guldner, Netback value of gas in the electricity generation, KTH and Electricite de France, 2010 (Graduated)
All rights reserved for Prof. M. R. Hesamzadeh
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